SPortsday 21st MAY

Sports are hailed as the ultimate boost to well-being and as social facilitator. But what if you cannot 'just' join the local sports team?

This day is exploring the topic by being all about social security in sports spaces: and about who can safely access and navigate those spaces.

During the day, there will be workshops for anyone to just up and try a sport they haven't tried before, and to reflect on the context it emerged from.

The late afternoon will leave room for questions and discussion, with a common dinner after which our rich panel will share their experiences and open the floor for your questions.

So mark your calendars, May 21st will be a day of exploration and reflection.

What: Sportsday

When: May 21st 2024

Where: Clinics at the sportscentre SC2; dinner and panel discussion in Designlab LEARN-X

Costs: free. Registration required for the clinics and dinner.

For whom: everyone

Sign up now!

  • Wheelchair basketball clinic

    What is a sportsday without sports? Time to sit down and try one.

    We can theoretically clear-up some misconceptions about wheelchair basketball:

     - yes, the baskets are the same height;

     - no, not all players use wheelchairs in everyday life;

     - yes, we do bump into each other, but no, it is not like bumper cars;

     - yes, you can both dribble the ball and manoeuvre the chair at the same time;

     - ...

    However, better than theory (and more fun) is to up and try it yourself. So join us for this 45 minute clinic for a no-prior-skill-or-experience-required introduction to one of the most classical paralympic sports.

    We bring the wheelchairs, you just bring yourself ;)

    What: Wheelchair basketball clinic

    When: May 21st 2024 timeslot1: 10.30 - 11.15; timeslot2: 12.45 - 13.30

    Where: Sportscentre SC2

    Clothing recommendations: Be yourself. Think about clothes that you can move around in easily, for example sports wear. Also, I'd recommend cloths that aren't too loose around the arms and hips (you need proper grip on the wheels).

    Costs: free

    15 spots per time slot. First come first serve.

    You can register here!

  • Sitting volleyball clinic

    Try sitting volleyball. An introduction by seasoned coaches and players.

    [more information will follow]

    What: Sitting volleyball clinic

    When: May 21st 2024 11.30 - 12.30

    Where: Sportscentre SC2

    Clothing recommendations: Be yourself. Think about clothes that you can move around in easily, for example sports wear.

    Costs: free

    30 spots. First come first serve.

    You can register here!

  • Vogue workshop

    The ballroom scene was created by queer and trans people of color in New York, most of them members of the black and latin community. From ballroom, the dance style Voguing emerged.

    In this workshop, we focus on Arms Control, an element from voguing category 'New Way'. It is characterized by arm movements that create sharp lines, geometric forms and illusions.

    The workshop is given by Andre Gabbana, Dutch Mother of the Kiki House of Gabbana.

    What: Vogue workshop

    When: May 21st 2024 13.45 - 14.45

    Where: Sportscentre SC2

    Clothing recommendations: Be yourself. Think about clothes that you can move around in easily, for example sports wear.

    Costs: free

    30 spots. First come first serve. 

    You can register here!

  • Panel discussion & Dinner

    Time to let the experts speak: We invited a panel of athletes and activists to share their respective experiences and perspectives.

    And of course after the first round of introductions, the floor will be opened for questions.

    Before the start of the panel, there is a buffet style dinner provided.

    The event will take place from 17:00 - 18:30 h.

    You can register here!


    Andre Gabbana (he/she) is Dutch Mother of the Kiki House of Gabbana. At 28 years of age, he has been active in the ballroom scene for five years, and has been building up the community in Utrecht since 2020.

    Larisa van Rijn (she/her) is a trans/crip scholar and activist who has played wheelchair basketball for almost 15 years in various teams. She did so mostly on amateur level, but with a brief stint into professional sports as a member of the 'Jong Oranje' national youth team during her teenage years.

    Lane von Bassewitz (they/them). Having been involved in sports throughout my life, they began in kindergarten with soccer, where they played on mixed teams before moving on to women’s teams. During their university years, they made the transition to American football with the Bochum Miners, alongside their pursuits in CrossFit and weightlifting. In early 2023, they came out to their team and remained active for another season. Presently, their focus is on coaching, questioning the further direction of their sporting career. Lane became Rookie of the Year in 2018 and Defense MVP in 2022 and 2023.

    Noah Schulte (he/him) is a trans man and started playing football in 2013 with a mixed youth team. Later (2015) he had to switch to the Bochum Miners, an all womens team in the second national league in Germany, where he became offensive line MVP in 2016. After his coming out (2020) he stayed in the team as a Coach.

    Moderated by Tom Boogerd (he/him), Policy Advisor Research at BMS and organising member of Th!nk with Pride, the LGBTQ+ platform of the UT.



We are EQUITY, a working group within P-NUT focussed on connecting and supporting female doctoral candidates at the University of Twente and creating a safe space to express the challenges related to growing professionally in STEM fields.

We are always looking for new and interested people, so please feel free to reach out: p-nut@utwente.nl!


Ongoing events

Mission and Vision


Connecting and supporting Female Doctoral Candidates among the UT and bringing a safe place to express the challenges related to growing professionally in STEM fields.


We envision an inclusive and equitable university that promotes and empowers Female Doctoral Candidates both in their personal development and their careers in STEM fields, such as academia, during and after their stay in the UT.


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